Redesigning, Repairing & Rewearing

Most of us might look in our closet and think..well that skirt or pair of pants have seen their day, It’s time to resale or donate…and in some cases that might be true. 

Recently, while scrolling through TikTok I saw a fashion influencer using a tailor to redesign and recut a pair of longer leather shorts into shorter ones.  

It makes you think…Right?

I mean how many items in your closet can be redesigned and repurposed to make a whole other  complete look?

Just think of that pair of pants turning into a tailored pair of shorts…or that sweater that you love with the graphic detail on the front being cut out and stitched onto your favorite  t-shirt. I could go on and on…but I think you're getting the point.

We have options. We can make beautiful repurposed pieces out of items we currently own.


We can redesign, repair and rewear the items in our own closets. Yes, we can be designers!


Just imagine the huge impact we can make if we first shop our own closets first.


Sometimes, it can be as easy as making a pant you own that is a bit too long into an ankle pant or making a long sleeve button down into a short sleeve shirt button down with a cuffed sleeve,


You might have even purchased a garment that is just too big or has never properly fit you correctly.. 


Let me guess…


Your first instinct might be to just let it go using the easiest method either through reselling, giving it to a friend or just donating it.  


Well, let me tell you my secret…. a good tailor is someone you will want to have on speed dial.  Tailors can help you reimagine your garments and completely make something fit like you never thought it could or would.  


Just imagine all the new pieces you can now create by just shopping and redesigning what you currently  own.


Let’s not just stop there….


I would also suggest a good shoe cobbler.


I recently purchased a pair of preloved Gucci Heels and went and had them resoled and had the heel caps replaced.  My goodness they look practically brand new.  This is something to think about with not only your clothes but with repairing your shoes and even updating and refurbishing your belts.


The next time you're looking for that perfect short sleeve t-shirt that you really need to buy but know you have a long sleeve one that you only wish was short sleeved….


Think of yourself as a fashion designer and go get it altered or if you have a sewing machine…do it yourself!


So many different fashion options reside within your own home just waiting for you to throw some creativity and design at it.


So let’s get to redesigning, repairing and rewearing all the beautiful possibilities that we currently own!

💛 Rachel