We all love a good deal. I prefer an absolutely unheard of deal. I try to wait and watch obsessively for the best deal on something I have my eye on.
Currently, I have been obsessing over this cropped sweater with pearl accents from & Other Stories and, of course, some high waisted straight leg RE/DONE’S and a high waisted black pair with a wide leg (RE/DONE’S could be the absolute death of me as 2022 ends).
I have abstained from purchasing them as of today (but… today is not yet over).

However, as I write this… I know I plan on wearing a pair of these RE/DONE jeans with the cropped sweater with pearls (I’ve been gushing about) when I go out for drinks with my bestie on Friday. So I am hoping for some crazy sale that can cover the extra cost for the 2 day shipping I will need to pay (because I waited…) and somehow knock the price down by half.
A girls gotta dream right?
So, as the end of the year is almost here and we have made it through the holidays, what are you needing that might be missing from your winter wardrobe that might or might not be more than 50% off very soon?

You have probably shopped the week after Christmas sales, specifically the day after Christmas sale, but many retailers will mark down even more after the New Year. Keep this in mind as you scour the internet for those perfect pairs of boots that are just waiting to come to your door with the 70% off tag attached.
Yes… I am talking about the wait…
Will they have my size if I wait? Will they have the color I need if I wait? Can I get the item by X date if I wait?
If it’s a must have item that you need for an event, then waiting is not an option.
If the item is on your list of “I need this item for Winter 2023” then the waiting game could play a big part in the savings you will receive as the season comes to an end.
Granted, as I write this, it is -23 and I am typing this Blog with fingerless gloves on, a heating pad wrapped around my legs, and trying with all my willpower not to scratch my eyes out because of the eczema flareup due to the cold. The season couldn’t end fast enough.
You might be with me on that!
Without further added weather comments…
Here are a few tips for finding the best deals at the end of a Holiday Season:
- Retailers will often mark items at the lowest in weeks after the holidays - Watch the items go from 30% off to 50% off to 70% off or more.
- Check the Clearance Racks if you’re a shopper that likes to get out and see and try on clothing at stores. Returns happen, and they happen more often following the Holidays. It could mean some major savings and there might have been an item you really wanted that was sold out.
- If you can wait for an item and absolutely don’t have to have it immediately, then that item will go down in price, it just might be a bit of a wait. All we have is time… right?
- My Special Tip - Always sort items from low to high to see the best deals first when you're online shopping.
Happy Sale Shopping!
Here are some of my favorite major department stores that are running sales NOW;